What really is Divorce?

Relationships are complex creatures, so it goes without saying that when they end, they can become even more complicated. Untangling relationships can be hard. Often when a relationship breaks down, the default terminology for married couples is that you are … Read More

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Nourish thyself

“Eat the damn food Tina” Napoleon Dynamite Food may be the furtherest thing from your mind and the thought of eating literally makes your stomach turn. If it had of been left to me I would have happily become a … Read More

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Children and Separation

No child wants their parents to separate. They want the fairytale where families live happily ever after, and why shouldn’t they? When you tell your children that you are separating it often comes as a surprise, even when things aren’t … Read More

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S ..

Let’s talk about sex baby (sorry kids look away) … Oh yes you will have sex again, your nether regions are not ready for closure just yet. Ladies this one is aimed at you (sorry to the men, don’t worry … Read More

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How to tell your children you are separating

Not many people love “hard conversations” … at some stage in our lives though I’m sure we’ve all been there, am I right? “It’s not you, it’s me” “Sorry we’re restructuring” Yadda yadda … Telling your children that you and … Read More

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